What does Pkg.status() say? You have an odd mix of using the old "Color" 
package and the new "Colors" package.


On Tuesday, September 15, 2015 04:12:13 PM Serge Santos wrote:
> Hi,
> I got an error when using the parameter Theme with Gadfly, so I tried using
> an example from http://gadflyjl.org/themes.html#examples (see below).
> When I run the example from the website below, I get an error saying
> 'convert' has no method matching
> convert(::Type{Union(Nothing,AlphaColorValue{C<:ColorValue{T},T<:Union(Float
> ingPoint,FixedPoint)},ColorValue{T})},::RGB{UfixedBase{UInt8,8}}). I don't
> understand what I am doing wrong here when using the example from Gadfly.
> Any idea? Thanks
> plot(x=rand(10), y=rand(10),
>      Theme(panel_fill=colorant"black", default_color=colorant"orange"))

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