Just putting this out here in the hope that someone has an idea:
I'm trying to fit a model to some targets using a minimum distance 
estimator with NLopt. The objective function basically computes the 
distance between model output given two parameters and the targets I set. 
The structure is:

objective(parameters::Vector{Float64}, grad)
  result = solvemodel(parameters)

opt = Opt(:GN_CRS2_LM, 2)
lower_bounds!(opt, [numbers])
upper_bounds!(opt, [numbers])
(minf, minx, ret) = optimize(opt, [numbers])

When running this code, it stays busy for a while (which is expected, given 
that one evaluation of the model takes about 3 minutes) before throwing a 
MethodError, complaining `convert` has no method convert(::Type{Float64}, 
::Array{Float64,1}). I do get a `in callback catch` after every model 
evaluation, but I'm not sure where this is coming from, as when I simply 
evaluate objective() myself using some numbers, a value is returned without 

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