I'm in the process of switching from python to julia and have gotten stuck 
for a couple of days trying to read a, for me, typical data file.

In python I'd create a C-style format, open the file and read the data.
I don't see an equivalent method in Julia.

Using a data structure of something like:    "<4sii28s4i"  
I'd figure out the size of the structure, point to the beginning byte, and 
then unpack it. 

In Julia it looks like *maybe* I could make a data type to do this, but I 
can't figure out how.
There's also StrPack.jl,  but it too is a little beyond what I understand.

I work with a lot of different instruments, each with its own file format. 
 Usually I only need to read these files.  After processing I'll save 
everything into an hdf5 file.  

Thanks,  David.

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