On Thursday, September 17, 2015 11:55:56 PM harven wrote:
> I see that there are many changes scheduled for arrays in the next release.
> Can someone summarize what is planned?


> I understand that [,] will become non concatenating. What will be the type
> of expressions such as
>       ["julia", [1, 1.0]]
> Any,  union{AbstractString, Array{Float64}}?

Presumably an Arrary{Any,1}, though Array{Union{ASCIIString, 
Array{Float64,1}}, 1} is also a possibility.

> Will the following code return an error or an array of some type?
>       push!(["one", [1, 5.1]], 1.5)

Depends on the above

> Is there some syntactic sugar planned for Any arrays, in the spirit of {}?

Almost certainly not. Braces are in short supply, Any[] is easy. There is 
little enthusiasm for burning diamonds to heat the house :-).


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