I tried to solve the problem by running Julia 0.4.0-rc2 instead of Julia 
0.3.11. I manage to execute a few commands in Juno, but juno/julia is stuck 
as before. The error message is slightly different though:

   WARNING: LightTable.jl: cannot resize array with shared data
    in push! at array.jl:430
    in read_operator at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\JuliaParser\src\lexer.jl:368
    in next_token at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\JuliaParser\src\lexer.jl:752
    in qualifiedname at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\Jewel\src\parse\scope.jl:59
    in nexttoken at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\Jewel\src\parse\scope.jl:78
    in nextscope! at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\Jewel\src\parse\scope.jl:116
    in scopes at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\Jewel\src\parse\scope.jl:149
    [inlined code] from C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\Lazy\src\macros.jl:141
    in codemodule at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\Jewel\src\parse/parse.jl:8
    in getmodule at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\Jewel\src\eval.jl:42
    in anonymous at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\Jewel\src\LightTable\eval.jl:51
    in handlecmd at 
    in handlenext at 
    in server at 
    in server at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.4\Jewel\src\Jewel.jl:18
    in include at boot.jl:261
    in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:304
    in process_options at client.jl:308
    in _start at client.jl:411

On Saturday, 19 September 2015 10:40:49 UTC+1, JKPie wrote:
> I have the same problem, I have spent couple of hours reinstalling Julia 
> and Juno on Windows and Linux with no result. The code works fine, when I 
> call it from command line directly. 
> Please help it is freezing my work :/
> J

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