This is in 0.4rc2 on OS X.

On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 8:51:50 PM UTC+10, Sheehan Olver wrote:
> I get the following timings with the various FFTW routines, where I ran 
> each line multiple times to make sure it was accurate.  Why are REDFT00 and 
> RODFT00 almost 10x slower?
> r=rand(100000)
> @time FFTW.r2r(r,FFTW.REDFT00) #0.26s
> @time FFTW.r2r(r,FFTW.REDFT01) #0.0033s
> @time FFTW.r2r(r,FFTW.REDFT10) #0.0035s
> @time FFTW.r2r(r,FFTW.REDFT11) #0.0033s
> @time FFTW.r2r(r,FFTW.RODFT00) #0.017s
> @time FFTW.r2r(r,FFTW.RODFT01) #0.0035s
> @time FFTW.r2r(r,FFTW.RODFT10) #0.0035s
> @time FFTW.r2r(r,FFTW.RODFT11) #0.0035s
> @time fft(r)                   #0.0033s

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