On Monday, September 21, 2015 at 2:03:35 PM UTC-4, Tom Breloff wrote:
> This seemed to match:

Note that you don't need meshgrid for this example, and it is more 
efficient to avoid it.  You can use broadcasting, and pcolormesh will do 
the right thing if you pass it a row vector and column vector as the first 
two arguments:

using PyPlot, PyCall
@pyimport matplotlib.colors as COL
x = linspace(1, 20, 101)'
y = linspace(2, 5, 101)
data = x .+ y
plt = pcolormesh(x, y, data, norm = COL.LogNorm(vmin=minimum(data), 

I used to use meshgrid, but I haven't encountered a case where I actually 
need it, even with PyPlot. 

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