Thankyou so much for your great reply.
And yes it does make sense now after such a helpful and well-targeted 
You explained "colon-lowering" in a "explanation-lowered" way that a 
non-expert can understand.
This is refreshingly thoughtful and helpful.
Thanks again.
-- Greg

On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 11:09:41 PM UTC+10, Matt Bauman wrote:

> A colon by itself is simply a synonym for `Colon()`, both on 0.3 and 0.4:
> julia> :
> Colon()
> You can use colons in normal function calls and dispatch in both 0.3 and 
> 0.4:
> julia> f(x::Colon) = x
>        f(:)
> Colon()
> That's what's happening with that sub definition.  `sub` acts like 
> indexing, but it's just a normal function call.  And so the Colon() passes 
> through unchanged in both 0.3 and 0.4.
> Indexing expressions are different.  There are some special lowering steps 
> to handle colon (just in 0.3) and end (in both 0.3 and 0.4).  "Lowering" is 
> an intermediate step between parsing and compilation, and you can see what 
> happens to an expression during lowering by calling `expand`.  The expanded 
> expressions have some funny things in them (`top(endof)(A)` is a special 
> internal pseudo-syntax that is kinda-sorta like saying `Base.endof(A)`), 
> but you can see how the `end` keyword lowers to getindex calls in both 0.3 
> and 0.4:
> julia> expand(:(A[end]))
> :(getindex(A,(top(endof))(A)))
> julia> expand(:(A[1, end]))
> :(getindex(A,1,(top(trailingsize))(A,2)))
> julia> expand(:(A[1, end, 3]))
> :(getindex(A,1,(top(size))(A,2),3))
> So, now to the difference between 0.3 and 0.4: the special lowering step 
> for colons in indexing expressions was removed.
> # Julia 0.3:
> julia> expand(:(A[:]))
> :(getindex(A,colon(1,(top(endof))(A))))
> # Julia 0.4:
> julia> expand(:(A[:]))
> :(getindex(A,:))
> You can see that in 0.3, it effectively expanded to `1:end`.  But 0.4 just 
> left the `:` symbol as it was, and it just gets evaluated normally as an 
> argument to getindex.  It's no longer special. So in 0.4, you can 
> specialize dispatch on Colon indices.
> Make sense?
> On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 1:07:01 AM UTC-4, Greg Plowman wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Thanks all for your replies.
>> OK I can see this will be much easier in v0.4.
>> I will revisit when v0.4 released.
>> I'm still curious about colon and end
>>> Colon lowering changed in 0.4, 
>> Matt, could you expand on this? How/when is this done in v0.3 vs v0.4?
>> Does this mean v0.3 code attempting to dispatch on Colon type cannot 
>> work? (for example the code from subarray.jl quoted below) 
>> sub(A::AbstractArray, I::Union(RangeIndex, Colon)...) = sub(A, ntuple(
>> length(I), i-> isa(I[i], Colon) ? (1:size(A,i)) : I[i])...)
>> I noticed that  OffsetArrays ( 
>> <>
>> jA 
>> <>)
>> defines const (..) = Colon(), presumably to use .. in place of :
>> Will it work in v0.4?
>> How and when is end converted?
>> Thanks again,
>> Greg

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