Hi Spencer:
Thanks for the reply! However, I just tried the method you told me but it 
still doesn't work. 
I also tried to pinned back everything just like how Serge was doing, but 
it still doesn't work, here is my status now.

在 2015年9月22日星期二 UTC-7上午11:13:50,Spencer Russell写道:
> Hi Haoran,
> Try pinning the Compat package by running `Pkg.pin("Compat", v"0.7.0")`
> If you're running Julia 0.3.11 that should be the newest version that will 
> install, so I'm not sure how you ended up with Compat 0.7.3 (which is 
> currently tagged to be 0.4 and newer). That's a pretty recent change 
> though(yesterday evening), but if you just installed today I'd think you'd 
> be good to go.
> -s
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015, at 02:58 AM, Haoran Jiang wrote:
> Hi Greg, I am new to Julia and Juno, I just installed this software today 
> and I have the same error message as you do, can you tell me what did you 
> do to make it right? this is my Pkg.status. I never had it worked 
> before(since it is my first day install it) so i dont know what file to 
> change and where to change them, Thanks!
> 在 2015年9月20日星期日 UTC-7下午6:09:56,Greg Plowman写道:
> Serge,
> Below is output of Pkg.status():
> I had previously tried removing many packages, but nothing is pinned (so 
> not sure if rolling back will result in same config)
> The only error message I receive using Juno is:
>     symbol could not be found jl_generating_output (-1): The specified 
> procedure could not be found.
> but after this everything seems to work as normal.
> Hope this helps.
> -- Greg
>                _
>    _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
>   (_)     | (_) (_)    |  Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
>    _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" for help.
>   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
>   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.11 (2015-07-27 06:18 UTC)
>  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official http://julialang.org/ release
> |__/                   |  x86_64-w64-mingw32
> julia> Pkg.status()
> 9 required packages:
>  - Dates                         0.3.2
>  - Distributions                 0.8.6
>  - HDF5                          0.5.5
>  - ImageView                     0.1.16
>  - Images                        0.4.47
>  - JLD                           0.5.4
>  - Jewel                         1.0.6
>  - Optim                         0.4.2
>  - ZMQ                           0.2.0
> 39 additional packages:
>  - ArrayViews                    0.6.3
>  - BinDeps                       0.3.15
>  - Blosc                         0.1.4
>  - Cairo                         0.2.30
>  - Calculus                      0.1.10
>  - ColorTypes                    0.1.4
>  - ColorVectorSpace              0.0.3
>  - Colors                        0.5.3
>  - Compat                        0.7.1
>  - Compose                       0.3.15
>  - DataStructures                0.3.12
>  - Docile                        0.5.18
>  - DualNumbers                   0.1.3
>  - FactCheck                     0.4.0
>  - FixedPointNumbers             0.0.10
>  - Graphics                      0.1.0
>  - HttpCommon                    0.1.2
>  - IniFile                       0.2.4
>  - Iterators                     0.1.8
>  - JSON                          0.4.5
>  - JuliaParser                   0.6.2
>  - LNR                           0.0.1
>  - Lazy                          0.10.0
>  - LibExpat                      0.0.8
>  - MacroTools                    0.2.0
>  - NaNMath                       0.1.0
>  - PDMats                        0.3.5
>  - Reexport                      0.0.3
>  - Requires                      0.2.0
>  - SHA                           0.1.1
>  - SIUnits                       0.0.5
>  - StatsBase                     0.7.2
>  - StatsFuns                     0.1.3
>  - TexExtensions                 0.0.2
>  - Tk                            0.3.6
>  - URIParser                     0.0.7
>  - WinRPM                        0.1.12
>  - Winston                       0.11.12
>  - Zlib                          0.1.9
> Julia>
> On Monday, September 21, 2015 at 9:44:24 AM UTC+10, Serge Santos wrote:
> Hi All,
> I tried to roll back to JuliaParser v0.6.2 and it didn't work. 
> If someone still manages to successfully run Juno with Julia 0.3.11, can 
> you please send the list of packages with version numbers that does not 
> create any issues with Juno (i.e,, output from Pkg.status()). I was not 
> able to figure out what combination of versions work. 
> Many thanks in advance
> Serge
> On Monday, 21 September 2015 00:16:27 UTC+1, Greg Plowman wrote:
> Hi All,
> On 2 different PCs where Juno works (almost without error) Pkg.status() 
> reports JuliaParser v0.6.2
> On PC that has Juno errors, Pkg.status() reports JuliaParser v0.6.3
> Rolling back to JuliaParser v0.1.2 creates different errors.
> So it seems we need to revert to JuliaParser v0.6.2
> I'm not at a PC where I can see if we can pin v0.6.2, in light of the 
> following:
> Before this JuliaParser was at version v0.6.3, are you sure we should try 
> reverting to v0.1.2?
> See the tagged versions 
> https://github.com/jakebolewski/JuliaParser.jl/releases. So that’s the 
> next latest tagged version. You could probably checkout a specific commit 
> prior to the commit that’s causing the breakage instead though.
> Also, I don't want to play around with Pkg.ANYTHING on a working 
> configuration at the moment :)
> -- Greg
> On Monday, September 21, 2015 at 4:50:37 AM UTC+10, Tony Kelman wrote:
> What's temporarily broken here is some of the packages that 
> Light-Table-based Juno relies on to work. In the meantime you can still use 
> command-line REPL Julia, and while it's not the most friendly interface 
> your code will still run. Your estimation of the Julia ecosystem's 
> robustness is pretty accurate though, if you really want to ensure things 
> stay working the best way of doing that right now is keeping all packages 
> pinned until you have a chance to thoroughly test the versions that an 
> upgrade would give you. We plan on automating some of this testing going 
> forward, though in the case of Juno much of the code is being replaced 
> right now and the replacements aren't totally ready just yet.
> On Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 10:45:01 AM UTC-7, Serge Santos wrote:
> Thank you all for your inputs. It tried your suggestions and, 
> unfortunately, it does not work. I tried Atom but, after a good start and 
> some success, it keeps crashing in middle of a calculation (windows 10).
> To summarize what I tried with Juno and julia 0.3.11:
> - Compat v.0.7.0 (pinned)
> - JuliaParser V0.1.2  (pinned)
> - Jewel v1.0.6.
> I get a first error message, which seems to indicate that Julia cannot 
> generate an output.
> *symbol could not be found jl_generating_output (-1): The specified 
> procedure could not be found.*
> Followed by:
> *WARNING: LightTable.jl: `skipws` has no method matching 
> skipws(::TokenStream)*
> * in scopes at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.3\Jewel\src\parse\scope.jl:148*
> * in codemodule at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.3\Jewel\src\parse/parse.jl:141*
> * in getmodule at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.3\Jewel\src\eval.jl:42*
> * in anonymous at 
> C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.3\Jewel\src\LightTable\eval.jl:51*
> * in handlecmd at 
> C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.3\Jewel\src\LightTable/LightTable.jl:65*
> * in handlenext at 
> C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.3\Jewel\src\LightTable/LightTable.jl:81*
> * in server at 
> C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.3\Jewel\src\LightTable/LightTable.jl:22*
> * in server at C:\Users\Serge\.julia\v0.3\Jewel\src\Jewel.jl:18*
> * in include at boot.jl:245*
> * in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128*
> * in process_options at client.jl:285*
> * in _start at client.jl:354*
> Looking at dependencies with MetadataTools, I smply got:* nothing.* I 
> assume that Jewel does not have any dependencies.
> I have a lot of understanding for the effort that goes into making the 
> Julia project work and a success, but I just lost two days of my life 
> trying to make things work and I have an important deadline ahead that I am 
> likely to miss because I relied on a promising tool that, unfortunately, 
> does not seem robust enough at this stage given the amount of development 
> happening.It makes me wonder if I should not wait until Julia becomes more 
> established and robust and switch to other solutions.
> On Sunday, 20 September 2015 16:47:05 UTC+1, Dongning Guo wrote:
> In case you're stuck, this may be a way out:
> I installed Atom editor and it seems Julia (v0.5??? nightly build)
> works with it after installing a few packages.  I'm learning to use
> the new environment ...
> See https://github.com/JunoLab/atom-julia-client/tree/master/manual
> On Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 6:59:02 AM UTC-5, Michael Hatherly wrote:
> I can’t see LightTable listed in Pkg.status() output in either PC
> The LightTable module is part of the Jewel package is seems, 
> https://github.com/one-more-minute/Jewel.jl/blob/fb854b0a64047ee642773c0aa824993714ee7f56/src/Jewel.jl#L22,
> and so won’t show up on Pkg.status() output since it’s not a true package 
> by itself. Apologies for the misleading directions there.
> What other packages would Juno depend on?
> You can manually walk through the REQUIRE files to see what Jewel depends 
> on, or use MetadataTools to do it:
> julia> using MetadataTools
> julia> pkgmeta = get_all_pkg();
> julia> graph = make_dep_graph(pkgmeta);
> julia> deps = get_pkg_dep_graph("Jewel", graph);
> julia> map(println, keys(deps.p_to_i));
> You shouldn’t need to change versions for most, if any, of what’s listed 
> though. (Don’t forget to call Pkg.free on each package you pin once newer 
> versions of the packages are tagged.) Compat 0.7.1 should be far enough 
> back I think.
> — Mike
> On Sunday, 20 September 2015 13:29:38 UTC+2, Greg Plowman wrote:
> OK I see that second latest tag is v0.1.2 (17 June 2014). Seems a strange 
> jump.
> But now I understand pinning, I can use a strategy of rolling back 
> Juno-related packages until Juno works again.
> What other packages would Juno depend on?
> To help me in this endeavour, I have access to another PC on which Juno 
> runs (almost) without error.
> Confusingly, Pkg.status() reports JuliaParser v0.6.2 on this second PC
> Jewel is v1.0.6 on both PCs.
> I can't see LightTable listed in Pkg.status() output in either PC
> I think Compat v0.7.2 is also causing ERROR: @doc not defined issue (
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/julia-users/rsM4hxdkAxg)
> so maybe reverting back to Compat v0.7.0 might also help.
> -- Greg
> On Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 7:08:47 PM UTC+10, Michael Hatherly wrote:
> Before this JuliaParser was at version v0.6.3, are you sure we should try 
> reverting to v0.1.2?
> See the tagged versions 
> https://github.com/jakebolewski/JuliaParser.jl/releases. So that’s the 
> next latest tagged version. You could probably checkout a specific commit 
> prior to the commit that’s causing the breakage instead though.
> What version of Jewel.jl and LightTable.jl are you using?
> — Mike
> On Sunday, 20 September 2015 10:56:22 UTC+2, Greg Plowman wrote:
> ...

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