On Monday, September 21, 2015 at 12:18:12 AM UTC, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> On 21 September 2015 at 01:36, Páll Haraldsson <pall.ha...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I know about @devec but wander how close Julia is also able to match the 
>> speed of its looks with more condensed code or MATLAB-like or functional 
>> programming language style. What are the most interesting issue numbers to 
>> look at, if you were to try to help? I'm guessing its not one of the easier 
>> "up-for-grabs" issues, for relative newbies like me..
> Sorry, I don't understand what you are trying to ask.

I really just meant, with the loop, the code goes from 2 to 6 lines. Is 
three times LOC a drawback of Julia to get speed (note you do not *have to* 
expand if speed isn't critical, and much code isn't). Compared to C/C++ 
that is competetive, but may not be against say MATLAB. The code was 
already fast there and didn't need a loop. I assume/understand this is a 
temporary situation, and maybe I or anyone can help fix it. 

> Another thing I saw:
>> "String is not a concrete type. Consider ASCIIString or UTF8String. "
>> This would not apply in Python, UTF8, UTF16 etc. could be in a type (a 
>> new one that can hold the others through composition?) that "just works" 
>> [fast]? Windows uses UTF16 and then choosing UTF8String there would be bad?
> No, that's not what it means. UTF8String will be fast too. In Julia there 
> are two kinds of types: concrete types, and abstract types. A concrete are 
> things like:

Thanks for answering. I knew about abstract vs. concrete. What I meant 
here, "UTF8String will be fast" yes, but if you are on Windows the API uses 
UTF16 and I assume you'll be converting needlessly back and forth. That 
might not be a problem, you are maybe I/O-limited. But if not, will Windows 
always be second class platform, for code that assumes UTF8 (or wise 
versa..)? Will Julia at least compete will with Python for string 

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