Hello everyone!

I am trying to set up a Julia cluster with 20 nodes, this is the very first 
time I've tried something like this. I have looked around for examples, but 
documentation is not very helpful for me:

*Julia can be started in parallel mode with either the -p or 
the --machinefile options. -p n will launch an additional n worker 
processes, while --machinefile file will launch a worker for each line in 
file file. The machines defined in file must be accessible via a 
passwordless ssh login, with Julia installed at the same location as the 
current host. Each machine definition takes the 
form [count*][user@]host[:port] [bind_addr[:port]] . user defaults to 
current user, port to the standard ssh port. count is the number of workers 
to spawn on the node, and defaults to 1. The 
optional bind-to bind_addr[:port] specifies the ip-address and port that 
other workers should use to connect to this worker.*

This is what I think I have understood so far:

Ok I list the machines on a machine file, that's easy, I have a file like 

n user@555.555.555.555
n user@555.555.555.556
n user@555.555.555.555

*The machines defined in file must be accessible via a 
passwordless ssh login,*

This is the part that is difficult for me the most, it says that machines 
must be accesible via paswordless ssh

* with Julia installed at the same location as the current host.*

I understand this as I need to install Julia en every node in the same 
location, so I have 20 nodes, same software and hardware stacks. Does this 
means that the nodes must be of the same operating system? the same bits 
(32/64) only?

Right now I have *20 CentOS 6.7 (64 bits)* nodes with* julia-0.3.11* 
installed from the *generic linux binaries (64bits)*, all of them installed 
at */opt/julia-0.3.11/bin* (added to the PATH and already exported in 

Now the plan in my mind is to use my laptop *(windows 7 64 bits, 
julia-0.3.11 64 bits)* as master node and control the cluster with that, so 
according to what I understand, I'll need to do (leaving password blank):

ssh-keygen -t rsa

>From my Windows laptop (I plan to install Arch Linux soon), in order to create 
>my ssh key and then:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@hostname 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

To every node? So I have to be running the ssh server at every one of them? (I 
understand I'll need it at the master node) This is where I simply don't 
understand anymore, I haven't seen any tutorial, or article, or something like 
that, just that paragraph in the manual, I know there is ClusterManagers.jl but 
that sounds even more complicated for me right now.

I also want to help David Sanders to set up another cluster (once I got this 
figured out) in his lab at Science Faculty, UNAM. I promise to enhance the 
documentation around this topic once I understand this.

What do you guys think, do I have it all wrong?

If anyone can help me, I'll be very grateful, thank's in advance!

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