I just created a pull request. I hope I got it right. This is the first
time I use the pull-request feature at Github.



On 28 September 2015 at 07:03, Kevin Squire <kevin.squ...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How about submitting a patch to Formatting.jl?
> On Sunday, September 27, 2015, Michael Hatherly <michaelhathe...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> As mentioned in the other thread,
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/hBbEGEopi0A/OX4ZEhFnBgAJ and
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/hBbEGEopi0A/fKQcqDEVBgAJ,
>> there are concerns about generating new code for every single formatting
>> string used. I guess generally this won’t be much of an issue, but it could
>> be. Maybe write a package and see how much interest there is first?
>> — Mike
>> ​
>> On Sunday, 27 September 2015 13:02:25 UTC+2, Daniel Carrera wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I made a trivial change to a some clever code by Tim Holy, and used it
>>> to make printf() and sprintf() function with the familiar syntax that we
>>> know from C/C++ (requires Julia 0.4):
>>> immutable FormatString{S} end
>>> FormatString(str::AbstractString) = FormatString{symbol(str)}
>>> @generated function Base.print{format}(::Type{FormatString{format}},
>>> args...)
>>>     meta = Expr(:meta, :inline)
>>>     fmt = string(format)
>>>     allargs = [:(args[$d]) for d = 1:length(args)]
>>>     quote
>>>         @printf($fmt, $(allargs...))
>>>     end
>>> end
>>> @generated function Base.sprint{format}(::Type{FormatString{format}},
>>> args...)
>>>     meta = Expr(:meta, :inline)
>>>     fmt = string(format)
>>>     allargs = [:(args[$d]) for d = 1:length(args)]
>>>     quote
>>>         @sprintf($fmt, $(allargs...))
>>>     end
>>> end
>>> function printf(s::AbstractString, args...)
>>>     print(FormatString(s), args...)
>>> end
>>> function sprintf(s::AbstractString, args...)
>>>     print(FormatString(s), args...)
>>> end
>>> Could (or should) something like this be included in Julia by default?
>>> The first time you call printf() sprintf() with a new format string, the
>>> function call is slower than the @printf and @sprintf macros, but
>>> subsequent calls are just as fast:
>>> julia> @time @printf("%7d  %7.2f", 220/7, 22/7)
>>>      31     3.14  0.024334 seconds (20.68 k allocations: 912.738 KB)
>>> julia> @time @printf("%7d  %7.2f", 220/7, 22/7)
>>>      31     3.14  0.000102 seconds (30 allocations: 1.094 KB)
>>> julia>
>>> julia> fmt = "%6d  %7.2f"
>>> "%6d  %7.2f"
>>> julia> @time printf(fmt, 220/7, 22/7)
>>>     31     3.14  0.036154 seconds (36.81 k allocations: 1.675 MB)
>>> julia> @time printf(fmt, 220/7, 22/7)
>>>     31     3.14  0.000095 seconds (37 allocations: 1.250 KB)
>>> Daniel.

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