I see.  Why are you not making a new type to allow getindex overloading?
That would be more work but maybe cleaner?

On Wed, 2015-09-30 at 11:10, Kristoffer Carlsson <kcarlsso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not sure that I want Ragged Arrays, In my code I have symmetric 3x3
> matrices stored as vectors of length 6 and unsymmetric 3x3 matrices stored
> as vectors of length 9.
> As I know you do some FEM Mauro I can describe my problem more
> specifically. I am writing a package do more easily deal with Voigt tensors
> and I want to add the option of accessing them just like they where
> matrices. Since different people use different order of their indices I
> want the user to be able to set what order the offdiagonal indices will be
> stored in the Voigt vector. I have a global state in my module that maps
> [i,j] -> k where k is the index in the vector.
> I will try your macro now! Thanks a lot for the help.
> On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 10:57:14 AM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:
>> > Hello everyone,
>> >
>> > I am trying to write a macro that transforms an expression like:
>> >
>> > @foo v[1,2] + v[1,3]*v[2,4] -> v[I[1,2]] + v[I[1,3]]*v[I[2,4]]
>> >
>> > Basically, for each getindex I want to insert a lookup of the index in
>> some
>> > other variable.
>> > The reason for this is that I am working with matrices encoded as
>> vectors
>> > and I want to still call them like matrices. The "I" vector in the code
>> > is the lookup from two dimensional indexing to one dimensional.
>> >
>> > v is just a normal Vector so I cannot extend getindex which is why I
>> > thought a macro would be the cleanest solution.
>> >
>> > I am a bit lost how to start so any help would be appreciated.
>> Sounds like you may want to use
>> https://github.com/mbauman/RaggedArrays.jl (or my more primitive
>> Ragged.jl)
>> If not, this may work:
>> function sub!(e::Expr)
>>     if e.head==:ref
>>         for a in e.args
>>             sub!(a)
>>         end
>>         newe = :($(e.args[1])[I[$(e.args[2:end]...)]])
>>         e.args = newe.args
>>     else
>>         for a in e.args
>>             sub!(a)
>>         end
>>     end
>>     e
>> end
>> sub!(s) = s
>> e = :(v[1,2] + v[1,3]*v[2,4])
>> sub!(e)
>> macro foo(e)
>>     sub!(e)
>> end

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