Unless someone else knows a fix, could you to put together a small test
case and file an issue with Options.jl?

On Wed, 2015-09-30 at 18:33, Jan Kybic <jky...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>            after switching to from Julia 0.3 to Julia 0.4 (release
> candidate 3),  the Options package stopped working for me. I have several
> modules, in each I call
> require("Options")
> using OptionsMod
> A function from one module is called either from the same module or from
> another using a call like "myfunction(a,b,@options)". Inside "myfunction",
> the type of the last parameter is always
>  "OptionsMod.Options{OptionsMod.CheckError}". However, the types do not
> seem to be the same, "isa(opts,OptionsMod.Options)" give true in one case
> and false in the latter and this leads to all sorts of errors like "method
> not found".
> Do you know what is happening and how to avoid it? Perhaps as the module is
> reloaded, it interferes with the precompilation?
> Thank you,
> Jan

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