Just a note to avoid confusion: ForwardDiff.jl doesn't use complex numbers 
at all. It uses its own implementation of dual number/hyper-dual number 
"ensembles" for computing multiple partial derivatives simultaneously. 
There is no additional error term in ForwardDiff.jl's formulation.

-- Jarrett

On Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 12:21:26 AM UTC-4, Rob J Goedman wrote:
> Hi Nitin,
> Thanks for the note and references. The recent upgrade of ForwardDiff.jl 
> certainly shows the value of these methods.
> Did you (re-)implement MultiComplexNumbers from the 2nd reference, or used 
> one of the two (Fortran and Matlab) prototype modules? Did you use it from 
> within Julia? Do you know the license that comes with the implementation 
> you used? 
> Sorry for all the questions!
> Regards,
> Rob
> On Sep 28, 2015, at 18:11, Nitin Arora <nitin...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> There is another method to calculate any order derivatives, very similar 
> to this one, known as Multi-complex differentiation. This method can 
> calculate derivatives up-to any order.
> http://www.autodiff.org/Docs/euroad/13rd%20EuroAd%20Workshop%20-%20Thierry%20Dargent%20-%20Using%20Multicomplex%20Variables%20for%20Automatic%20Computation%20of%20High-Order%20Derivatives.pdf
> http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/2170000/2168774/a16-lantoine.pdf?ip=
> I have used this in my field and it seems to work nicely.
> thanks,
> Nitin
> On Saturday, March 29, 2014 at 5:43:05 PM UTC-7, Rob J Goedman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As a first 'jump into the fray' exercise I've attempted to translate 
>> Jeffrey Fike's hyper-dual numbers code from c++ to Julia, more or less 
>> following the DualNumbers package.
>> The c++ code can be found at 
>> http://adl.stanford.edu/hyperdual/hyperdual.h . The paper itself at 
>> http://adl.stanford.edu/hyperdual/Fike_AIAA-2011-886.pdf .
>> The Julia package can be found at: 
>> https://github.com/goedman/HyperDualNumbers.jl.git .
>> Of course, I'm pretty new at this so I'm sure there will be errors and 
>> poor practices. So any feedback is appreciated.
>> Also, I'm wondering if the type should be called Hyper or a better name 
>> would be HyperDual.
>> This work was triggered by the interesting threads around openPP, 
>> TaylorSeries.jl, Calculus2, PowerSeries.jl (and at some time I hope 
>> MCMC.jl).
>> Rob J. Goedman
>> goe...@icloud.com

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