I'm working on fixing up the API to Amit's PR here
<https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/12503> that allows you to call a C
function in another thread. That could also potentially be used for this.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Mohammed El-Beltagy <
mohammed.elbelt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Short of doing a reimplementation, you could possibly run your python code
> in another process via a remotecall (as described in the manual
> http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/parallel-computing/). In
> that case you REPL would be responsive as the I/O is done in another
> process.
> On Monday, October 12, 2015 at 10:10:39 PM UTC+2, Yakir Gagnon wrote:
>> I see, thanks for the great explanation!
>> So there's nothing I can do. Would Escher get around it? I guess I'd need
>> to implement that python code in Julia...
>> On 12/10/2015 11:34 PM, "Steven G. Johnson" <steve...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Monday, October 12, 2015 at 1:59:59 AM UTC-4, Yakir Gagnon wrote:
>>>> One important piece of information is the integration time (similar to
>>>> the shutter speed in a camera): after I set the integration time the
>>>> spectrometer start sampling the spectra at that frequency. When I try to
>>>> retrieve the intensities it will spit them out only when one cycle ends.
>>>> This means that when I try to run the function that retrieves the
>>>> intensities it can take anything from 0 to integration-time seconds.
>>>> Here's the weird thing:
>>>> When I run my code the REPL becomes non-responsive for integration-time
>>>> seconds, so if I try to type some text, the letters get typed in only one
>>>> letter at an integration-time (note that CPU usage is less than 3%)... But,
>>>> if I replace the function that retrieves the intensities with some mock
>>>> function that `sleep`s for a random amount of time and returns a (equally
>>>> long) vector of random floats, the REPL jitter is gone..!
>>> Julia I/O functions, and functions like sleep(t), use the libuv library
>>> for asynchronous cooperative multitasking.  That means that when one task
>>> is waiting on I/O, another task (e.g. the REPL) can wake up if there is
>>> something for it to do.
>>> However, Python I/O does not use libuv, so when the Python I/O task is
>>> waiting to finish reading something then it just blocks, and nothing else
>>> in Julia can run.

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