This is browser caching at work

one way to resolve this is to just imread the image instead of loading it
using image() which just creates the equivalent of an <img> HTML tag...


using Images

run(`convert a.jpg <some settings> assets/a.jpg`)

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:52 AM, Yakir Gagnon <> wrote:

> I have some widgets that run imagemagick updating images in `assets/`, and
> the only way I can get those to update with `image` is to change their
> names...
> So if I just do this:
> ```julia
> run(`convert a.jpg <some settings> assets/a.jpg`)
> image("assets/a.jpg")
> ```
> the image doesn't get updated. But this craziness works:
> ```julia
> name = rand(Int)
> run(`convert a.jpg <some settings> assets/$name.jpg`)
> image("assets/$name.jpg")
> ```
> Isn't there a better way?

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