On Monday, October 19, 2015 at 5:06:45 PM UTC+2, Tamas Papp wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 19 2015, Steven G. Johnson <steve...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > On Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 10:01:20 AM UTC-4, Stefan Karpinski 
> wrote: 
> >> 
> >> There are different styles and levels of writing code in every 
> language. 
> >> There's highly abstract C++ and there's low-level pointer-chasing C++ 
> >> that's basically C. Even in C there's the void*-style of programming 
> which 
> >> is effectively dynamically typed without the safety. Given this fact, 
> I'm 
> >> not sure what solving the two language problem would look like from the 
> >> perspective this post is posing. Enforcing only one style of 
> programming 
> >> sounds like a problem to me, not a solution. On the contrary, I think 
> one 
> >> of Julia's greatest strengths is its ability to accommodate a very 
> broad 
> >> range of programming styles and levels. 
> >> 
> > 
> > Even forgetting about pointers etc, the fact is that highly optimized 
> code 
> > often looks very different from unoptimized code in any language.   e.g. 
> > the simplest way to implement a matrix multiplication in C is three 
> loops. 
> >   Getting decent performance (compared to peak flops) requires 100+ 
> lines 
> > of code.  Super-optimized implementations require tens of thousands of 
> > lines of code.  This has nothing to do with safety and pointers, and 
> > everything to do with locality (for caches) and unrolling (for 
> registers). 
> > 
> > There is no language in which optimization doesn't typically involve 
> > rewriting critical code. 
> Still, in a nice language the programming effort vs speed curve should 
> not be too steep. Eg you can get 80% of the speed with 20% of the 
> effort, both compared to the absolute super fastest solution. 
> Julia is a nice language: with a few simple rules that one pick ups up 
> after a bit of experience (= mistakes) [1], it does not take a whole lot 
> of extra effort to write reasonably fast code. Getting within a factor 
> of 2-5 of C with significantly less effort is enough for a lot of 
> applications, especially considering that in scientific computing a lot 
> of code is only used a few times (analyze a problem, estimate a model, 
> etc). For the rest, one can optimize further. 
> The "two language problem" is really about a discontinuity in the effort 
> vs speed curve. You hit the limits of Language A, you have to go to 
> Language B, which is significantly different. In Julia you can make a 
> lot of incremental optimizations. 
> I define Language C := Union{A,B}. Then it solves the two language problem.

> Best, 
> Tamas 
> [1] http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.4/manual/performance-tips/ 

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