element-wise multiplication of string vectors works too, but only if one 
vector is of length 1:

julia> @time ["["] .* ["as", "sdf", "qwer"] .* ["]"] 
0.000033 seconds (35 allocations: 1.656 KB) 
3-element Array{ASCIIString,1}: 

if you prefer this syntax to map or comprehension, extending .* as follows 
uses less memory:

julia> import Base.(.*) 

julia> (.*){T<:AbstractString}(v::Vector{T},s::T) = [i*s for i in v] 
.* (generic function with 36 methods) 

julia> (.*){T<:AbstractString}(s::T,v::Vector{T}) = [s*i for i in v] 
.* (generic function with 37 methods)

julia> @time "[" .* ["as", "sdf", "qwer"] .* "]" 
0.000010 seconds (19 allocations: 1024 bytes) 
3-element Array{ASCIIString,1}: 

see https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/13053

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