Thank you Tony for your answer. I have just recently got into Python
and building/compiling with MinGW-w32 and CMake (a lot of the terminology
still goes over my head).

Great talk! One main question from it; using Windows, is it possible to
download a package from GitHub (which currently does not support Windows)
and compile it using MinGW (creating a windows .dll file)? If not, could
you point me in the right direction as to where I can read more about how
to go ahead?

2015-10-20 14:15 GMT+01:00 Tony Kelman <>:

> I don't know the Java ecosystem all that well, so I couldn't tell you how
> many developers and contributors to, say, popular Apache projects do most
> of their development on Windows. If you need things like high-performance
> linear algebra you often need to go through JNI and deal with interfacing
> native and JVM code.
> Conda.jl should be quite useful for Python dependencies via PyCall, and
> maybe even R packages now too. But many of the C libraries provided there
> for Windows are built to work with Python, meaning using the same compiler
> that CPython was built with on Windows - Visual Studio. Visual Studio has
> lots of problems with scientific software, we have very experimental hacky
> support for compiling the core parts of Julia (LLVM, libuv, libjulia, etc)
> using MSVC but it's not exactly native and far from passing tests or a
> first-class solution.
> I also haven't seen many success stories of people from outside of the
> Python community using Conda as a build platform for scientific libraries
> in a way that would be usable and compatible with Julia. I personally
> prefer WinRPM since it has a comparable selection of existing libraries
> available at,
> and I've found it entirely doable to add new libraries there. You have an
> added complication of cross-compiling, but an advantage there is package
> developers never have to use Windows themselves if they don't want to.
> Having a fully automated system to build and distribute binaries is a great
> advantage, and as far as I'm aware does not provide
> automated Windows buildbots on their open source plan.
> On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 6:01:03 AM UTC-7, Páll Haraldsson wrote:
>> On Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 3:29:32 AM UTC, Tony Kelman wrote:
>>> Why many packages don't support Windows? It's par for the course in
>>> open-source development, unfortunately. I gave a talk on this at JuliaCon
>>> in June where I discussed some of the challenges in making things work on
>>> Windows and how to go about fixing them, see
>>> - if you find packages you
>>> use that aren't currently testing on Windows but could be, I encourage you
>>> to submit pull requests adding appveyor.yml files and suggesting the
>>> authors enable Windows CI testing.
>>> Julia makes it easy to wrap C and Fortran libraries so people do exactly
>>> that quite often,
>> You mean e.g. with Python.
>> I can think of one exception (or not?): Java.
>> At least in the beginning, that was one of it's point:
>> "write-once-run-anywhere" WORA (that assumed JVMs in web browsers..).
>> Strictly speaking, you can go out of the JVM, with JNI and have all the
>> cross-platform issues..
>> I understand WORA didn't quite work as intended, but aren't most Java
>> projects self-contained, only using Java code (or languages that compile
>> to) and Java's frameworks?
>> Is it possible to replicate their (relative) success? If you use only
>> Julia code, you are portable already and codes just work..
>>> but building most of those C and Fortran libraries on Windows is
>>> nontrivial. Witness Anaconda, which exists to make binary installation of
>>> libraries in the Python ecosystem possible so you don't need a compiler on
>>> the user's machine at install time. In Julia we tend to focus on individual
>>> platform-specific tools, like WinRPM.jl for a large number of packages on
>>> Windows and Homebrew.jl on Mac.
>> For non-Julia code, is Conda.jl the solution?
>>> On Friday, October 16, 2015 at 3:56:44 PM UTC-7, Joel wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the information; food for thought.
>>>> Out of curiosity, do you know why this is the case, by the way?
>>>> Den fredag 16 oktober 2015 kl. 21:00:12 UTC+1 skrev Tony Kelman:
>>>>> Quite a few Julia packages are written in a way that assumes you're on
>>>>> Linux or Mac with build tools installed. Not all, and we're gradually
>>>>> fixing cases where packages can be made more portable. Best thing to do 
>>>>> for
>>>>> now would be to submit a pull request adding a note to the readme that the
>>>>> package does not currently work on Windows, to save future users a bit of
>>>>> confusion.

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