The Pragmatic Programmer
is pretty good. It takes view of someone doing for-pay software
engineering, which isn't entirely applicable, but many of the basic lessons
(don't repeat yourself, use version control, etc.) are very much
applicable. It's a short, easy read so probably worthwhile.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Steven G. Johnson <>

> Many of my students come from a non-CS background, and aren't familiar
> with basic ideas of software engineering like modularity, choosing
> datastructures, putting code into re-usable functions rather than writing
> long copy-and-paste scripts, etcetera.   I'd like to point them at a good
> book, but I mostly didn't learn this stuff from books and don't know what
> is out there.
> Is there a good book on basic software engineering that is easily
> applicable to Julia?   (This rules out a lot of the "design patterns" style
> books that are heavily oriented towards traditional OOP languages.)
> --SGJ

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