Oh, thnks for the info...

On Monday, October 26, 2015 at 12:25:26 PM UTC+1, Kristoffer Carlsson wrote:
> Read here: https://github.com/stevengj/PyCall.jl#usage
> More specifically, this section:
> "The biggest diffence from Python is that object attributes/members are 
> accessed with o[:attribute]rather than o.attribute, and you use get(o, 
> key) rather than o[key]. (This is because Julia does not permit 
> overloading the . operator yet.) See also the section on PyObject below, 
> as well as the pywrap function to create anonymous modules that simulate . 
> access 
> (this is what @pyimportdoes). For example, using Biopython 
> <http://biopython.org/wiki/Seq> we can do:
> @pyimport Bio.Seq as s
> @pyimport Bio.Alphabet as a
> my_dna = s.Seq("AGTACACTGGT", a.generic_dna)
> my_dna[:find]("ACT")
> whereas in Python the last step would have been my_dna.find("ACT")"
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 at 11:38:41 AM UTC+1, Ferran Mazzanti wrote:
>> That worked, thanks :) 
>> But this syntax I can not understand... where can I find documentation 
>> about how to do that? Just to avoid asking agains cuh kind of questions...
>> Thanks again.
>> On Monday, October 26, 2015 at 11:31:59 AM UTC+1, Kristoffer Carlsson 
>> wrote:
>>> Change last line to:
>>> h = PyPlot.plt[:hist](x,nbins)
>>> On Monday, October 26, 2015 at 11:28:35 AM UTC+1, Ferran Mazzanti wrote:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> using Linux Mint 17.1 here. I upgraded to julia 0.4.0 and now this 
>>>> simple code, taken from the web and tested on previous versions,
>>>> using PyPlot
>>>> x = randn(1000) # Values
>>>> nbins = 50 # Number of bins
>>>> fig = figure("pyplot_histogram",figsize=(6,6)) # Not strictly required
>>>> ax = axes() # Not strictly required
>>>> h = PyPlot.plt.hist(x,nbins) # Histogram, PyPlot.plt required to 
>>>> differentiate with conflicting hist command
>>>> Produces the following output
>>>> LoadError: type PyObject has no field hist
>>>> while loading In[133], in expression starting on line 6
>>>>  in getindex at /home/mazzanti/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/PyCall.jl:240
>>>>  in pysequence_query at 
>>>> /home/mazzanti/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/conversions.jl:781
>>>>  [inlined code] from 
>>>> /home/mazzanti/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/conversions.jl:797
>>>>  in pytype_query at 
>>>> /home/mazzanti/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/conversions.jl:826
>>>>  in convert at /home/mazzanti/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/conversions.jl:846
>>>>  in pycall at /home/mazzanti/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/PyCall.jl:399
>>>>  in call at /home/mazzanti/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/PyCall.jl:407
>>>>  in close_queued_figs at 
>>>> /home/mazzanti/.julia/v0.4/PyPlot/src/PyPlot.jl:401
>>>> Any hint on that? Am I doing something wrong? If so, can anybody help on 
>>>> how to do histograms in Julia 0.4.0?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ferran. 

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