Hi Kristoffer:

Thank you.   Attached are 


which is the main program that calls to


The goal of these programs is to estimate a multivariate stochastic 
volatility model using a Bayesian particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo 

Using Tony's suggestion solved one problem, but the current issue is that 
running test_RE_AR_alt.jl causes Julia to return 

LoadError: InexactError()
in unsafe_setindex! at array.jl:318
in _unsafe_batchsetindex! at multidimensional.jl:329
in PF_RE_AR1_outer_alt at 
in _calc_hessian at 
in hessian at /home/jim_nason/.julia/v0.4/ForwardDiff/src/api/hessian.jl:27
[inlined code] from 
in anonymous at no file:177
in include at ./boot.jl:261
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:304
while loading 
in expression starting on line 125

Line 72 of PF_RE_AR1_outer_alt.jl is

t_SV[:,j] = trd_SV_j1

where t_SV = zeros(mprt, obs) is allocated prior to entering the loop found 
in PF_RE_AR1_outer.jl, where mprt = 10 and obs = 187 (the length of the 
sample SPF_pi) are constants set in test_RE_AR1_alt.jl and trd_SV_j1 is a 
random walk process that is mprt x 1 and updated in the loop found in 
PF_RE_AR1_outer.jl.  Note that mprt = 10 is to get to the 
ForwardDiff.hessian quickly.  More typical is mprt = 500 to 20000.

Since these programs are implementing a simulator, are the indexing 
problems generated by calling to ForwardDiff.hessian problematic?

Also, attached are several more programs related to running 


On Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 3:32:20 AM UTC-5, Kristoffer Carlsson wrote:
> As a tip, when you ask for help it is much easier if you post actual 
> runnable code. If you provide a file where "julia thefile.jl" throws an 
> InexactError I'm pretty sure it can be figured out quickly what the problem 
> is.
> On Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 12:23:36 AM UTC+1, Tony Kelman wrote:
>> It might be a different kind of InexactError then. Try adding a @show on 
>> the rhs value, see what type it is. The array might need to be constructed 
>> in a way that it's capable of holding dual number element types.
>> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 3:18 PM -0800, <james...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Tony:
>> Thanks, but remember you asked.
>> Your first request is answered by
>> const  dsts = 2     # dim( state vector )
>> which is set in the main file that calls to PF_RE_AR1_outer_alt.jl
>> In PF_RE_AR1_outer_alt.jl, I set
>>      cs00V = eye(dsts)
>> cs00V[2,2] = sigu*sigu/(1.0 - rho1*rho1)   # this is the line at which 
>> Julia responds with ERROR: LoadError: InexactError()
>> Note that sigu and rho1 are Float64 types.
>> If you want, I can send you the complete set of Julia files/functions 
>> generating the problem in ForwardDiff.hessian.
>> Best,
>> Jim
>> On Monday, November 2, 2015 at 10:31:08 AM UTC-5, Tony Kelman wrote: 
>> Misread the part where you said dsts = 2. Can you post more of the code, 
>> exactly how is dsts getting passed to these lines? 
>> On Monday, November 2, 2015 at 7:28:56 AM UTC-8, Tony Kelman wrote: 
>> By "the destination array" I meant the line 
>>  cs00V = eye(dsts)
>> If dsts is an integer element type there, then cs00V will also have an 
>> integer element type. Try eye(size(dsts)...)
>> On Monday, November 2, 2015 at 5:32:54 AM UTC-8, james...@gmail.com 
>> wrote: 
>> Hi Tony:
>> Thanks for the suggestion.
>> Unfortunately, the result is the same.
>> I initialized/pre-allocated the destination array for the Hessian as
>> hessh = zeros(nparm,nparm)
>> Julia's reply from the call to
>> hessh = ForwardDiff.hessian(PF_RE_AR1_outer_alt, parms)
>> began with
>> ForwardDiff.HessianNumber{7,Float64,Tuple{Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64}}
>> ForwardDiff.HessianNumber{7,Float64,Tuple{Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64}}
>> followed by the ERROR: LoadError: InexactError() statement.
>> Jim
>> On Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 11:35:16 PM UTC-5, Tony Kelman wrote: 
>> You probably need to initialize the destination array with a floating 
>> point, rather than integer, element type.

Attachment: test_RE_AR1_alt.jl
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PF_RE_AR1_outer_alt.jl
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PF_RE_AR1_inner.jl
Description: Binary data

Attachment: MH_prior_alt1.jl
Description: Binary data

Attachment: MH_crit_alt!.jl
Description: Binary data

Attachment: parms_RE_AR1.jl
Description: Binary data

Attachment: initial_RE_AR1.jl
Description: Binary data

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