Another question:

Now I know that strange whitespace comes from array's indent:

julia> [Foo(1,2), Foo(1,2)]
2-element Array{Foo,1}:
 x ---> 1
y ---> 2

 x ---> 1
y ---> 2

How can I define my own `show(io::IO, x::Array{Foo, 1})`?

julia> function show(io::IO, x::Array{Foo, 1})
           println(io, "my Foo array")
show (generic function with 99 methods)

julia> [Foo(1,2)]
1-element Array{Foo,1}:
 x ---> 1
y ---> 2

I tried this, but failed. 

A workaround is to overload `display`, are there any side effects of doing 

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