Don't run the code in global scope or alternatively be explicit about the 
type you want, for example Float64[....]

On Monday, November 9, 2015 at 5:42:15 PM UTC+1, rizal zaini wrote:
> My concern is also on parallel code: 
> julia> K = @parallel [dot(X[:,i], X[:,j]) for i=1:5, j=1:5] 5x5 
> DArray{Any,2,Array{Any,2}}: 1.35134 1.36439 1.28474 1.13181 1.07863 1.36439 
> 1.40077 1.25708 1.22365 1.08332 1.28474 1.25708 1.54494 0.95311 1.15779 
> 1.13181 1.22365 0.95311 1.70348 1.30076 1.07863 1.08332 1.15779 1.30076 
> 1.34577
> I expect to get  a DArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2}} rather than 
> DArray{Any,2,Array{Any,2}}
> Please help. 
> Rizal
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 9:11 AM, rizal zaini < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I want to create matrix containing dot products
>> julia> X = rand(5,5)
>> 5x5 Array{Float64,2}:
>>  0.274799   0.564619  0.915595  0.341059  0.57361
>>  0.0806822  0.293939  0.379279  0.608582  0.652441
>>  0.264678   0.532751  0.289088  0.457759  0.492777
>>  0.33856    0.495587  0.499099  0.548237  0.402534
>>  0.686305   0.168385  0.8322    0.605532  0.518693
>> julia>  K = [dot(X[:,i], X[:,j]) for i=1:5, j=1:5]
>> 5x5 Array{Any,2}:
>>  0.737716  0.603229  1.09884  0.865174  0.832958
>>  0.603229  0.962978  1.16994  0.988988  1.06501
>>  1.09884   1.16994   2.00739  1.45298   1.54767
>>  0.865174  0.988988  1.45298  1.36347   1.35304
>>  0.832958  1.06501   1.54767  1.35304   1.42861
>> I expect to get an Array{Float64,2}, but what I got is Array{Any,2}. 
>> How to get Array{Float64,2} using Array comprehension?
>> Thanks before
>> Rizal

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