To answer question #1 only, this works ...

using Winston, KernelDensity

k = kde(rand(100))


# outputs ...

# 2-element Array{Symbol,1}:
# :x      
# :density

f = FillBelow(k.x, k.density, color="blue")
p = FramedPlot()


So now the only question is how to split this into two colors.

On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 11:55:20 AM UTC-5, milktrader wrote:
> Suppose you have a density plot ...
> using Winston, KernelDensity
> k = kde(rand(100))
> Winston.plot(k)
> Which would look something similar to this:
> <>
> 1) How can you fill below the curve with color? The two candidates 
> for available methods include FillBelow()and FillBetween().
> 2) Is it then possible to fill below the curve from 0:0.5 with one color 
> and below the curve from 0.5:1 with another color?

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