I'm not sure the equivalence is entirely accurate:

julia> a = Vector{Int}()
0-element Array{Int64,1}

julia> Base.summarysize(a)

julia> @time sizehint!(a,10_000_000)
0.000096 seconds (149 allocations: 76.304 MB)
0-element Array{Int64,1}

julia> Base.summarysize(a)

julia> @time b = zeros(Int,10_000_000);
0.037202 seconds (35 allocations: 76.295 MB, 64.13% gc time)

julia> Base.summarysize(b)

On Monday, November 16, 2015 at 1:10:36 AM UTC-8, Tomas Lycken wrote:
> sizehint! preallocates for you, with comparable cost to calling e.g. 
> zeroes, but lets you treat the array semantically the same way as a 
> non-preallocated one (but without the cost for reallocation). Hopefully, 
> these comments highlight the differences between the various appraches:
> N = 10_000
> A = Array(Float64,0) 
> sizehint!(A, 10_000) # this preallocates memory for 10k elements
> B = Array(Float64,0)
> C = zeros(10_000) # this also preallocates memory for 10k elements
> # now, A and C are pre-allocated, while B is not# however, A and B are 
> semantically equivalent (0-length) vectors,
> # while C is already of length 10 000:
> println(length(A)) # 0
> println(length(B)) # 0
> println(length(C)) # 10000
> for i in 1:10_000
>    push!(A, i) # no reallocation happens here, because we did it with 
> sizehint!
>    push!(B, i) # this will re-allocate B every now and then
>    C[i] = i # can't use push! here, but must manually track index instead
> end
> I don't know what `dynamic` does in this context, and I can't find it in 
> the docs, so can't help you there :)
> // T
> On Monday, November 16, 2015 at 2:07:13 AM UTC+1, Seth wrote:
> What happens if you use sizehint!() with dynamic()?
>> On Sunday, November 15, 2015 at 3:35:45 PM UTC-8, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
>>> function prealloc(n)
>>>     a = Array(Int, n)
>>>     for i = 1:n
>>>         a[i] = i
>>>     end
>>>     return a
>>> end
>>> function dynamic(n)
>>>     a = Int[]
>>>     for i = 1:n
>>>         push!(a, i)
>>>     end
>>>     return a
>>> end
>>> @time prealloc(10^7);
>>> @time dynamic(10^7);
>>> On my machine, the preallocated version is 2.5–3x faster.  A significant 
>>> but not overwhelming margin.
>> ​

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