On Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 10:59:26 AM UTC-5, MA Laforge wrote:
>>   - `immutable KD{Symbol} end` does not force the type parameter to be a 
>> symbol. It does the same thing as the more typical 'T' (which could be 
>> :tfund, Int, Array{Symbol,2}, or anything else).
> Hmm... I have been having trouble with this one.  I know I have succeeded 
> with things like "abstract KD{T<:Number}" - but I don't seem to be able to 
> do "abstract KD{T<:Symbol}", or "abstract KD{T::Symbol}".  I don't 
> understand why I cannot get this level of control.  I would appreciate if 
> you would have more insight on this part.

I've also wanted to use the "abstract KD{S::Symbol}" syntax before and it 
has come up on github once or twice 
Mostly it doesn't seem to let you do anything that you can't do now (by 
leaving off the type qualifier) and so it hasn't been prioritized on 
anyone's list.

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