additonally the sendto_module functions are helpful in my case. I would say 
adding some of this to the documentation my help others with similar 

function sendto_module(m::Module,p::Int; args...)
for (nm, val) in args;
@spawnat(p, eval(m, Expr(:(=), nm, val)))
function sendto_module(m::Module,ps::Vector{Int}; args...)
for p in ps
sendto_module(m,p; args...)

Am Mittwoch, 18. November 2015 11:57:52 UTC+1 schrieb bernhard:
> An addition/answer from my side:
> I think pmap does indeed "send" the data to the process each time (my code 
> below seems to indicate this). I suppose pmap cannot know/assume that it is 
> constant.
> The sendto functions help my use case!
> addprocs(3);
> @everywhere function do_something{T<:Number}(arr::Array{T,2})
> return arr[end]
> end
> @everywhere function do_work(i,arr)
> x=do_something(arr)
> println("done $(i). $(now())")
> return x
> end
> function sendto(ps::Vector{Int}; args...)
>   for p in ps
>     sendto(p; args...)
>   end
> end
> function sendto(p::Int; args...)
>       for (nm, val) in args
>           @spawnat(p, eval(Main, Expr(:(=), nm, val)))
>       end
> end
> function something(nn,cols,reps)
> srand(2)
> data=rand(nn,cols) 
> @time sendto(workers(),local_data=data) 
> @time myres=pmap(i->do_work(i,local_data),1:reps) 
> return sum(myres)
> end
> function something_wo_sendto(nn,cols,reps) 
> srand(2)
> data=rand(nn,cols)
> myres=pmap(i->do_work(i,data),1:reps) 
> return sum(myres)
> end
> nn=200000
> cols=200
> reps=30 
> @time x1=something(nn,cols,reps)
> @time x2=something_wo_sendto(nn,cols,reps)
> x1==x2
> Am Freitag, 13. November 2015 12:56:49 UTC+1 schrieb bernhard:
>> Hi 
>> I was wondering how pmap handles data transfer between processes:
>> pmap(i->foo(some_settings[i],bigDataFrameOrSo),1:800)
>> Say I have a big array or DataFrame (or anything) which is used by each 
>> iteration. Will it only be "sent" to each process only once?
>> If not, it may make sense to approach this differently (by invoking a 
>> process which runs from 1:100 and another  process going from 101:200, 
>> ....).
>> From the timings I observed, I think that Julia realizes, that 
>> bigDataFrameOrSo 
>> is the same for each iteration, but I though asking would not hurt.
>> Thanks
>> Bernhard

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