Awesome, I see that 0.5 is scheduled for early December. Looking forward to 
having this fixed.

On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 9:37:37 AM UTC-8, Josh Langsfeld wrote:
> Should also mention that even when ["1", ["1","2","3"]] returns a two 
> element Vector{Any}, the inner array will still get inferred to be 
> Vector{ASCIIString} unless you add the Any prefix.
> On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 12:30:28 PM UTC-5, Josh Langsfeld wrote:
>> Your conclusion is correct. The final switch should happen pretty soon on 
>> 0.5 master. Until then, the work-around is to prefix all your brackets with 
>> 'Any', including the inner arrays.
>> On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 12:20:15 PM UTC-5, 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Julia seems cool! Vector literals have me completely stumped though. A 
>>> little help? 
>>> What is going on here?
>>> ["1","1"] => ASCIIString["1","1"] 
>>> ["1",["1"]] => ASCIIString["1","1"] + "WARNING: [a,b] concatenation is 
>>> deprecated; use [a;b] instead"
>>> ["1",Any["1"]] => ASCIIString["1","1"] + "WARNING: [a,b] concatenation 
>>> is deprecated; use [a;b] instead"
>>> Any["1",["1"]] => Any["1", ASCIIString["1"]] # not what I want, the 
>>> second array should be general purpose a la python
>>> Basically I just want general heterogeneous lists like python.
>>> I read about the  {} syntax somewhere which does exactly what I want, 
>>> but I keep getting deprecation warnings, so I'd rather not poke that dragon.
>>> It seems based on the fact that ["1",["1"]] generates a deprecated 
>>> warning about behaving wrong, and {"1",{"1"}} is completely deprecated 
>>> syntax that at some point, ["1",["1"]] should do what I want it to, but 
>>> this feature has somehow been only half migrated over?
>>> Help!
>>> Vishesh

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