
In Matlab, people often use structures to pass around arguments between 
functions, for example problem instances. This allows some flexibility in 
the development, since I don't have to think of all variables that I need 
and their types, and new objects can be easily added to existing structs

In Julia, I tend to use Dicts to replicate this behavior, to pass around 
options and helper structures to my functions. I don't think this is 
recommended since it doesn't allow functions to specialize on the type of 
objects contained in the Dict.

Should I use custom types instead? If some fields can be of different 
types, should I use an abstract type for my options and then use different 
subtypes ? This seems a bit too complicated... On the other hand, writing 
down all arguments in functions without using Dicts or custom types can be 
tedious when they are a lot of variables...

Thanks for your advice.

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