It definitely looks as if you are just passing the script to the Julia
executable. So as soon as the program terminates all windows close.  Like
Steven said, it would be exactly the same in Python. If you want windows to
be permanent, you probably should be in the Julia (or Python) shell.


On 23 November 2015 at 15:34, kleinsplash <>

> With Sublime I am using cnt+b and vim :!julia %. Both work just fine. I
> don't have a question, happy to use show as stated.
> On Monday, 23 November 2015 16:29:41 UTC+2, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
>> On Monday, November 23, 2015 at 8:43:36 AM UTC-5, kleinsplash wrote:
>>> Yup. Not sure why but using Sublime/VIM I can only see PyPlot and Gadfly
>>> using plt[:show](); display(gcf()) does not work for me.
>> What do you mean by "using Sublime/VIM"?  Are you editing a Julia script
>> foo.jl and then running it with "julia foo.jl"?   Just like in Python, if
>> you run Julia in non-interactive mode then Matplotlib is also run in
>> non-interactive mode, and you need plt[:show]() when you want the plot to
>> appear.
>> If you are using some plugin for Sublime or VIM that allows you to
>> execute code in a running Julia session, but which is not using IJulia,
>> then maybe it is forgetting to turn on interactive mode (see
>> )

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