Er. Sorry for the bad instructions. Don't use Pkg.clone("LightGraphs"), use 

On Monday, November 23, 2015 at 2:31:42 PM UTC-8, Seth wrote:
> On Monday, November 23, 2015 at 2:09:13 PM UTC-8, Aleksandr Mikheev wrote:
>> Excuse me once again. How can I use rem_vertex!() now? I tried to update 
>> my package - didn't help. I tried to do a new file (called GraphFeatures), 
>> in witch I copied all the functions from here 
>> <>
>>  - 
>> but it does not understand standart Graph type from LightGraphs:
>> ERROR: MethodError: `rem_vertex!` has no method matching 
>>> rem_vertex!(::LighGraphs.Graph, ::Int64)
>>> Closest candidates are:
>>>   rem_vertex!(::Union{GraphFeatures.DiGraph,GraphFeatures.Graph}, 
>>> ::Int64)
>>  What should I do? 
> Try this:
> Pkg.clone("LightGraphs") # this makes sure you're on the most current code 
> in master
> Then exit / restart Julia REPL, and type "using LightGraphs" - this will 
> force a recompile
> rem_vertex!() should now be available for Graph and DiGraph:
> julia> g = PathGraph(10)
> {10, 9} undirected graph
> julia> rem_vertex!(g,4)
> {9, 7} undirected graph
> If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask here or open up 
> an issue on the LightGraphs repo.
> Really sorry for silly questions, but I am really new to Julia language 
>> and also I am not very good in coding generally.
> Absolutely no need to apologize. Feel free to ask away.

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