Aha! tested the same sequence in a non-REPL run and the 1st and 2nd 
runtimes after a `precompile` are the same.

On Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 10:23:04 PM UTC+2, Dan wrote:
> I've managed to reproduce the timing peculiarities you described, with a 
> different function. In fact, I get the same first run slower behavior even 
> with regular functions with -no- keywords. It is almost as if `precompile` 
> is not doing the entire job.
> Have you tried, just testing the basic precompile-1st run-2nd run timing 
> of a no keyword generic function? 
> On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 9:43:41 PM UTC+2, Tim Holy wrote:
>> I've been experimenting further with SnoopCompile and Immerse/Gadfly, 
>> trying to 
>> shave off more of the time-to-first-plot. If I pull out all the stops 
>> (using the 
>> "userimg.jl" strategy), I can get it down to about 2.5 seconds. However, 
>> doing 
>> the same plot a second time is about 0.02s. This indicates that despite 
>> my 
>> efforts, there's still a lot that's not being cached. 
>> About 0.3s of that total (not much, but it's all I have data on) can be 
>> observed via snooping as re-compilation of functions that you might 
>> imagine 
>> should have been precompiled. The biggest offenders are all functions 
>> with 
>> keyword arguments. In miniature, I think you can see this here: 
>> julia> function foo(X; thin=true) 
>>            svdfact(X) 
>>        end 
>> foo (generic function with 1 method) 
>> # Before compiling this, let's make sure the work compiling foo isn't 
>> hidden 
>> # by other compilation needs: 
>> julia> A = rand(3,3) 
>> 3x3 Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  0.57078    0.33557   0.56497   
>>  0.0679035  0.944406  0.816098 
>>  0.0922775  0.404697  0.0900726 
>> julia> svdfact(A) 
>> Base.LinAlg.SVD{Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,2}}(3x3 Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.507226   0.861331   0.0288001 
>>  -0.825227  -0.475789  -0.304344 
>>  -0.248438  -0.178138   0.952127 , 
>> [1.4844598265207638,0.5068781079827415,0.19995120630810712],3x3 
>> Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.248222  -0.707397  -0.661797 
>>   0.873751  -0.458478   0.162348 
>>   0.418264   0.537948  -0.731893) 
>> # OK, let's precompile foo 
>> julia> @time precompile(foo, (Matrix{Float64},)) 
>>   0.000469 seconds (541 allocations: 35.650 KB) 
>> julia> @time foo(A) 
>>   0.001174 seconds (18 allocations: 3.063 KB) 
>> Base.LinAlg.SVD{Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,2}}(3x3 Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.507226   0.861331   0.0288001 
>>  -0.825227  -0.475789  -0.304344 
>>  -0.248438  -0.178138   0.952127 , 
>> [1.4844598265207638,0.5068781079827415,0.19995120630810712],3x3 
>> Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.248222  -0.707397  -0.661797 
>>   0.873751  -0.458478   0.162348 
>>   0.418264   0.537948  -0.731893) 
>> # Note the 2nd call is 10x faster, despite precompilation 
>> julia> @time foo(A) 
>>   0.000164 seconds (18 allocations: 3.063 KB) 
>> Base.LinAlg.SVD{Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,2}}(3x3 Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.507226   0.861331   0.0288001 
>>  -0.825227  -0.475789  -0.304344 
>>  -0.248438  -0.178138   0.952127 , 
>> [1.4844598265207638,0.5068781079827415,0.19995120630810712],3x3 
>> Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.248222  -0.707397  -0.661797 
>>   0.873751  -0.458478   0.162348 
>>   0.418264   0.537948  -0.731893) 
>> # Note adding a keyword argument to the call causes a further 10x 
>> slowdown... 
>> julia> @time foo(A; thin=true) 
>>   0.014787 seconds (3.36 k allocations: 166.622 KB) 
>> Base.LinAlg.SVD{Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,2}}(3x3 Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.507226   0.861331   0.0288001 
>>  -0.825227  -0.475789  -0.304344 
>>  -0.248438  -0.178138   0.952127 , 
>> [1.4844598265207638,0.5068781079827415,0.19995120630810712],3x3 
>> Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.248222  -0.707397  -0.661797 
>>   0.873751  -0.458478   0.162348 
>>   0.418264   0.537948  -0.731893) 
>> # ...but only for the first call 
>> julia> @time foo(A; thin=true) 
>>   0.000209 seconds (19 allocations: 3.141 KB) 
>> Base.LinAlg.SVD{Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,2}}(3x3 Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.507226   0.861331   0.0288001 
>>  -0.825227  -0.475789  -0.304344 
>>  -0.248438  -0.178138   0.952127 , 
>> [1.4844598265207638,0.5068781079827415,0.19995120630810712],3x3 
>> Array{Float64,2}: 
>>  -0.248222  -0.707397  -0.661797 
>>   0.873751  -0.458478   0.162348 
>>   0.418264   0.537948  -0.731893) 
>> Obviously the times here don't add up to much, but for a project the size 
>> of 
>> Gadfly it might matter. 
>> I should add that 
>>     precompile(foo, (Vector{Any}, Matrix{Float64})) 
>> doesn't seem to do anything useful. 
>> Any ideas? 
>> Best, 
>> --Tim 

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