Are you doing floating point calculations? Some FP operations aren't 
associative and therefore may appear different on successive runs of a 
parallel operation depending on what's summed first:

julia> (0.1 + 0.2) + 0.3

julia> 0.1 + (0.2 + 0.3)

On Thursday, November 26, 2015 at 11:48:25 AM UTC-8, Eduardo Lenz wrote:
> Hi.
> I came across a very weird behaviour when using a very simple @parallel 
> loop. The block is quite large and complex, but the idea is the following:
> A = zeros(some_dimension)
> A = convert(SharedArray,A)
> @sync @parallel for i=1:some_dimension
>     Lots of code, but with no function calls
>     A[i]  += block_result
> end
> some computation with sdata(A).
> If I use 4 processes, I get one result. With 8 processes, a diferent 
> result. Without parallel processing, another one.
> I am probably losing something, but I think this is not the intended 
> behaviour. 
> I am using jula 4.11, fedora 23 - 64 bits.
> Thanks for your help.

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