OK, I've done a little more digging.

It seems that in v0.4, remote workers are started differently. This is my 
Only one worker for each host is started directly from the master process.
Additional workers on each host are started from the first worker on that 
Thus output from these additional workers is routed via the first worker on 
the host (rather than directly to master process).
Somehow this causes the intermingled output.

To overcome this, I can start all workers directly from the master process, 
and output is orderly again (as for v0.3).
Presumably, the new v0.4 indirect method was to speed up adding remote 

Clearly, I don't really understand much of this. And I'm not sure how 
connecting all workers directly to master process affects performance or 
Intuitively, it doesn't sound good, but for my purpose it does give more 
readable output.

To help speed up the startup of workers, I can start workers on different 
hosts in parallel (but each worker on host is started serially and directly 
from master process)

@sync begin
    for each (host, nworkers) in machines
        @async begin
            for i = 1:nworkers

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