> I'm trying to do something like this (which doesn't compile in its current
> form):
> type ArrayWrapper{T,N,AT <: AbstractArray{T,N}} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
>    arr::AT{T,N}
> end
> That is:
>    - wrapper around any type AT inherited from AbstractArray{T,N}
>    - wrapper should be itself parametrized by T and N
>    - wrapper should itself extend AbstractArray{T,N}
> The code above currently gives an error:
> ERROR: TypeError: instantiate_type: expected TypeConstructor, got TypeVar
>  and the closest thing that works looks like this:
> type ArrayWrapper{T,N,AT <: AbstractArray} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
>     arr::AT
> end
> which looks too unconstrained.
> Is there a way to get what I need?

If you're ok with using immutable (note, you can still modify the array,
just not its binding), this should work:

immutable ArrayWrapper{T,N,AT <: AbstractArray} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
    function ArrayWrapper(arr)
        @assert T==eltype(arr) && length(size(arr))==N

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