ImageView.view(img) works also, thanks!

This is a Polarimetric SAR image from San Andreas Fault, CA. 

Em terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015 23:08:59 UTC-3, Benjamin Deonovic 
> So whats the image of? 
> On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 4:50:51 PM UTC-6, Rivo Sarmento wrote:
>> Currently the imports, or using package, are in the begining of the code.
>> I got it to work only if using is the last step before using `view`.
>> I can't think of a particular reason for it to happen. Although, in my 
>> 0.3.2 Julia importing ImageView returns:
>> julia> using ImageView
>> Warning: could not import Base.Text into Tk
>> I finally got, as we can see in the attached file, thank you very much.
>> Em terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015 19:19:03 UTC-3, Tim Holy escreveu:
>>> On Tuesday, December 01, 2015 01:36:28 PM Rivo Sarmento wrote: 
>>> > But `view` returns: 
>>> > 
>>> > julia> view(img) 
>>> > ERROR: `view` has no method matching 
>>> > view(::Image{Float64,3,Array{Float64,3}}) 
>>> Are you sure you first said 
>>>     using ImageView? 
>>> julia> methods(view) 
>>> # 3 methods for generic function "view": 
>>> view{A<:AbstractArray{T,N}}(img::A<:AbstractArray{T,N}) at 
>>> /home/tim/.julia/v0.4/ImageView/src/display.jl:233 
>>> view{A<:AbstractArray{T,N}}(imgc::ImageView.ImageCanvas, 
>>> img::A<:AbstractArray{T,N}) at 
>>> /home/tim/.julia/v0.4/ImageView/src/display.jl:344 
>>> view{A<:AbstractArray{T,N}}(c::Tk.Canvas, img::A<:AbstractArray{T,N}) at 
>>> /home/tim/.julia/v0.4/ImageView/src/display.jl:364 
>>> That first method covers any AbstractArray. 
>>> --Tim 

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