I think I found a way to use pycall in parallel:

To get around the "cannot serialize pointer problem", I declared the corpus 
delicti everywhere and wrapped it inside a julia function that is also 
declared everywhere:
It's also kind of clumsy and I'm not sure if it applies to your problem, 
but this worked for me:

@everywhere using PyCall
@everywhere @pyimport a_python_module

@everywhere pyfun = a_python_function 

@everywhere function wrap_pyfun(x)
    return pyfun(x) 

r1 = remotecall(2, wrap_pyfun, arg1)
r2 = remotecall(3, wrap_pyfun, arg2)

It also works if you have a python object and you need to call one of it's 
@everywhere pyobj = a_python_object 

@everywhere function wrap_pymethod(x)
    return pyobj[:method](x)

hope this helps

On Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 2:43:19 AM UTC+1, Yakir Gagnon wrote:
> OK, I found a horrible work around that might be good enough (for me):
> Here is a mock python script:
> import math, time
> x = math.sin(math.pi/4)
> time.sleep(5) # mock local work
> print(x) # spit it out to julia
> and here is the julia code that runs it:
> r = @spawn readall(`python example.py`)
> sleep(2) # mock local work
> wait(r) # wait on python
> t = fetch(r)
> x = parse(t)
> x - sin(pi/4) # not zero but it works...
> This seems to work no matter what. It’s horrid, but better than nothing.
> On Friday, October 30, 2015 at 11:14:18 PM UTC+10, Matthew Pearce wrote:
> So I got something working for my pylab example. 
> julia> import PyCall
> julia> PyCall.@pyimport pylab
> julia> @everywhere import PyCall
> julia> @everywhere PyCall.@pyimport pylab
> julia> @everywhere A = pylab.cumsum(collect(1:10))*1.
> julia> fetch(@spawnat remotes[1] A)
> 10-element Array{Float64,1}:
>   1.0
>   3.0
>   6.0
>  10.0
>  15.0
>  21.0
>  28.0
>  36.0
>  45.0
>  55.0
> No luck with the math module I'm afraid. Two different types of errors 
> depending on style:
> julia> @spawnat remotes[1] PyCall.@pyimport math as pymath
> RemoteRef{Channel{Any}}(2,1,305)
> julia> fetch(@spawnat remotes[1] (pymath.sin(pymath.pi / 4) - sin(pymath.pi 
> / 4)) )
> ERROR: On worker 2:
> UndefVarError: pymath not defined
>  in anonymous at multi.jl:1330
>  in anonymous at multi.jl:889
>  in run_work_thunk at multi.jl:645
>  in run_work_thunk at multi.jl:654
>  in anonymous at task.jl:54
>  in remotecall_fetch at multi.jl:731
>  [inlined code] from multi.jl:368
>  in call_on_owner at multi.jl:776
>  in fetch at multi.jl:784
> julia> @everywhere PyCall.@pyimport math as pymath
> julia> fetch(@spawnat remotes[1] (pymath.sin(pymath.pi / 4) - sin(pymath.pi 
> / 4)) )
> Worker 2 terminated.srun: error: mrc-bsu-tesla1: task 0: Exited with exit 
> code 1
> ERROR: ProcessExitedException()
>  in yieldto at ./task.jl:67
>  in wait at ./task.jl:367
>  in wait at ./task.jl:282
>  in wait at ./channels.jl:97
>  in take! at ./channels.jl:84
>  in take! at ./multi.jl:792
>  in remotecall_fetch at multi.jl:729
>  [inlined code] from multi.jl:368
>  in call_on_owner at multi.jl:776
>  in fetch at multi.jl:784
> ERROR (unhandled task failure): EOFError: read end of file
> On Friday, October 30, 2015 at 1:28:21 AM UTC, Yakir Gagnon wrote:
> @Matthew: did you find a solution? 
> On Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 8:44:53 AM UTC+10, Yakir Gagnon wrote:
> Yea, right? So what’s the answer? How can we if at all do any PyCalls 
> parallely? 
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 at 11:49:35 PM UTC+10, Matthew Pearce wrote:
> Thought I had an idea about this, I was wrong:
> ```julia
> julia> @everywhere using PyCall
> julia> @everywhere @pyimport pylab
> julia> remotecall_fetch(pylab.cumsum, 5, collect(1:10))
> ERROR: cannot serialize a pointer
>  [inlined code] from error.jl:21
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:420
>  [inlined code] from dict.jl:372
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:428
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:310
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:420 (repeats 2 times)
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:302
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:420
>  [inlined code] from dict.jl:372
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:428
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:310
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:420 (repeats 2 times)
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:302
>  in serialize at serialize.jl:420
>  [inlined code] from dict.jl:372
>  in send_msg_ at multi.jl:222
>  [inlined code] from multi.jl:177
>  in remotecall_fetch at multi.jl:728
>  [inlined code] from multi.jl:368
>  in remotecall_fetch at multi.jl:734
> julia> pylab.cumsum(collect(1:10))
> 10-element Array{Int64,1}:
>   1
>   3
>   6
>  10
>  15
>  21
>  28
>  36
>  45
>  55
> ```
> ​
> ...

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