I honestly cannot imagine a good application justifying this 'range' 
function being in the main namespace. What it does is quite 
counter-intuitive. Or maybe renaming it would be an option?
Anyway thanks for all your answers guys.


Am Montag, 7. Dezember 2015 04:11:07 UTC+1 schrieb whycrying:
> Ah. The second argument is the length of the range.
> And the three arguments's:
> julia> which(range,(Int,Int,Int))
>> range{T,S}(a::T, step::S, len::Integer) at range.jl:101
> Not so consistent.
> Well, this is different from Python.
> Look range in Python(via iPython):
> In [3]: range?
>> Docstring:
>> range(stop) -> range object
>> range(start, stop[, step]) -> range object
>> Return a sequence of numbers from start to stop by step.
>> Type:      type
> -- 
> https://www.zhangkaizhao.com/

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