Hello, I've been looking at embedding some material models written in Julia 
in a larger FEM project written in C++ (https://www.dealii.org/).

I have a few questions that would make improve my workflow.

1.) To ease with debugging I would want to get the back trace with line 
numbers from C when an exception is raised. Right now I use:

void check_exception() {
 if (jl_exception_occurred()) {
 jl_show(jl_stderr_obj(), jl_exception_occurred());
 jl_printf(jl_stderr_stream(), "\n");
 return -1;
 return 0;

but this only gives me for example:
DimensionMismatch("A has dimensions (2,1) but B has dimensions (6,6)")
without any extra information.

Is there a convenient way to also print out the back trace?

2. What is the status of thread safety when calling function with jl_call 
from c(++)? deal.ii has very good support for implementing multithreading 
so it would be nice if I could use julia multithreaded. I know that there 
has been a lot of progress w.r.t thread safety on master but I am not sure 
what the current status is.

// Kristoffer

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