Here's the code in that attachment:

using Winston
using Distributions

# nonparametric regression, using pre-generated weights
# can be local constant, local linear, or local quadratic
# y is n X p
# x is n X dimx
# xeval is neval X dimx
# weights is n X neval (different weights for each eval. point)
# weights should sum to one by columns, they are typical 
# nonparametric weights from a kernel.
function npreg(y, x, xeval, weights, order)
    weights = sqrt(weights)
    neval, dimx = size(xeval)
    n, dimy = size(y)
    stacked = [x; xeval]
    # local constant
    if order==0            
        X = ones(n,1)
        Xeval = ones(neval,1)
    # local linear
    if order==1        
        X = [ones(n,1) x]
        Xeval = [ones(neval,1) xeval]
    # local quadratic
    if order==2
        # cross products
        CP = zeros(n+neval, Int((dimx-1)*dimx/2))
        cpind = 0
        @inbounds for i = 1:dimx-1
            for j = i+1:dimx
                cpind += 1
                CP[:,cpind] = stacked[:,i].*stacked[:,j]
        ZZ = [ones(n+neval,1) stacked CP]
        X = sub(ZZ,1:n,:)
        Xeval = sub(ZZ,(n+1):n+neval,:)
    # do the fit
    yhat = zeros(neval, dimy)
    @inbounds for i = 1:neval
        WX = weights[:,i] .* X
        Wy = weights[:,i] .* y
        b = WX\Wy
        yhat[i,:] = Xeval[i,:]*b
    return yhat

function main()
order = 2 # 0 for local constant, 1 for local linear, 2 for local quadratic
k = 5 # number of regressors

bandwidth = 0.2
n = 10000
neval = 1000
x = rand(n,k)*pi*2.
xeval = [pi*ones(neval,k-1) linspace(0,pi*2.,neval)]
y = cos(sum(x,2)) + cos(2. * sum(x,2)) + randn(n,1)
ytrue = cos(sum(xeval,2)) + cos(2. * sum(xeval,2))

P = inv(chol(cov(x)))
x *=P
xeval *=P

weights = zeros(n,neval)
@time for i = 1:neval
    z = x .- xeval[i,:]
    z = z/bandwidth
    weights[:,i] = prod(pdf(Normal(), z),2)
weights ./= sum(weights,1)

@time yhat = npreg(y, x, xeval, weights, order)
plot(xeval[:,k], [yhat ytrue])

On Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 11:45:41 AM UTC+1, 
> I am working on some code for nonparametric regression using local 
> constant, local linear, and local quadratic fits. I would like to speed up 
> the function npreg, which is contained in the attached code. This function 
> gets the fit by weighted least square regression. I suspect that there may 
> be better ways of doing this. Any pointers would be very welcome!

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