I am writing a package with example code for a book, and I anticipate code 
enhancements and code changes in future editions of this book.  At the same 
time, I want to make sure that future readers of older editions can run the 
code with then current Julia versions.  My current solution is as follows: 
For each edition I create a branch in my github repository and then update 
each branch when newer 0.x versions of Julia come out.  The master branch 
would always reflect the most recent edition of the book. The reader is 
asked to clone the repository and then check out the branch and appropriate 
commit for her/his combination of book edition and Julia version. I fear 
that this approach may be a bit cumbersome for my target group.

In this context I have the following questions:  

   1. Would this approach require the users to install git separately or 
   could one somehow use the git bundled with the Julia binaries? 
   2. Are there better alternatives using the package manager?  I was able 
   to publish my package and I know that one could pin a version in the master 
   branch. But I do not know how to provide different published branches and 
   versions on on these branches branches to which the user could pin the 
   3. Is there anything else I have overlooked to solve my problem?
Regards, Marcus

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