OK, I am changing the names. 

On Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 3:10:21 PM UTC-5, Fredrik Johansson wrote:
> On Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 5:50:58 PM UTC+1, Scott Jones wrote:
>> This is very interesting!  I'm curious as to how it will compare to 
>> Unums, as it seems both Fredrik Johannson's Arb and Unums are trying to fix 
>> a lot of the same problems with current floating point.
> Arb is a library for arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic, the most 
> significant difference compared to e.g. MPFI being that it uses a mid-rad 
> representation instead of an inf-sup representation.
> The mid-rad representation is worse for representing "wide" intervals, but 
> superior for "narrow" intervals. It goes very well together with 
> high-precision arithmetic. If you're doing floating-point arithmetic with 
> 128+ bits of precision, you may as well carry along a low-precision error 
> bound, because updating the error bound costs much less than the 
> high-precision midpoint arithmetic.
> Mid-rad arithmetic an old idea (there are earlier implementations in 
> Mathemagix, iRRAM, and probably others). There is a nice paper by Joris van 
> der Hoeven on "ball arithmetic" [1]. It should be noted that Arb does "ball 
> arithmetic" for real numbers, and builds everything else out of those real 
> numbers, rather than using higher-level "balls"; you get rectangular 
> enclosures (and not mid-rad disks) for complex numbers, entrywise error 
> bounds (and not matrix-norm "matricial balls") for matrices, and so on. 
> This has pros and cons.
> A few the technical details in the blog post that Stefan Karpinski linked 
> to are outdated now; I've rewritten the underlying floating-point 
> arithmetic in Arb to improve efficiency. It now uses a custom 
> arbitrary-precision floating-point type (arf_t) for midpoints and a 
> fixed-precision unsigned floating-point type (mag_t) for error bounds. The 
> reason why Arb uses custom floating-point types instead of MPFR has a 
> little to do with efficiency, and a little to do with aesthetics.
> Concerning efficiency, the arf_t mantissa is allocated dynamically to the 
> number of used bits rather than to the full working precision (MPFR always 
> zero-pads to full precision); this helps when working with integer-valued 
> coefficients and mixed-precision floating-point values. The arf_t type also 
> avoids separate memory allocations completely up to 128 bits of precision; 
> the 256-bit arf_t struct then stores the whole value directly without a 
> separate heap allocation for the mantissa. The mag_t type, of course, is a 
> lot faster than an arbitrary-precision type.
> As a result, Arb sometimes uses less memory than MPFR, and less than half 
> as much memory as MPFI, and has less overhead for temporary allocations and 
> deallocations. However, arithmetic operations are not currently as well 
> optimized as MPFR in all cases; additions are a bit slower, for example. I 
> hope to work more on this in the future (for example, by always throwing 
> away bits that are insignificant compared to the error bound).
> Concerning aesthetics, I wanted bignum exponents and I wanted to avoid 
> having any kind of global (or thread-local) state for default precision, 
> exponent ranges, and exception flags.
> Anyway, the number representation makes some overall difference in 
> efficiency, but the biggest difference comes from algorithms. The selling 
> point of Arb is that I've spent a lot of time optimizing high-precision 
> computation of transcendental functions (this was the subject of my PhD 
> thesis). You can find more details in the docs, in my papers, and on my 
> blog. The implementation of elementary functions in Arb for precisions up 
> to a few thousands of bits is described in [2].
> Obviously, Arb is not meant to be competitive with double precision 
> software. It seems to be competitive with some of the existing software for 
> quad precision (~100 bits) arithmetic. At even higher precision, it should 
> do well overall, if you know its limitations.
> Fundamentally, interval arithmetic suffers from the dependency problem. It 
> works perfectly in some instances, not at all in others. I wrote Arb mainly 
> for doing computational number theory, where it typically happens to work 
> very well.
> It turns out to work quite nicely as a black box for isolated parts of 
> floating-point computations, too -- you need to evaluate, say, some complex 
> Bessel functions; you feed it a floating-point number, you get an interval 
> back and convert it to a floating-point approximation that is guaranteed to 
> be accurate, and you go on doing floating-point arithmetic, being confident 
> that at least the part with the Bessel function isn't going to cause 
> trouble. I recently wrote a simple Arb wrapper implementing transcendental 
> functions for C99 complex doubles this way [3].
> I'm not an expert on unums, though I've skimmed some of the online 
> discussions and I did attend John Gustafson's talk at ARITH 22.
> The most interesting selling point for unums seems to be that computers 
> nowadays spend much more energy storing floating-point numbers in memory 
> and moving them between different levels of memory than actually doing 
> arithmetic with them. With a variable bit-length encoding, you trade some 
> increase in CPU/GPU complexity (encoding/decoding, bitwise addressing, 
> garbage collection) for a decrease in memory and cache usage, which 
> supposedly leads to an overall improvement in efficiency (this is yet to be 
> proved).
> Unums need to be implemented in hardware to make any sense compared to 
> traditional interval arithmetic based on pairs of IEEE 754 doubles (or 
> floats, when sufficient), let alone compared to floating-point arithmetic 
> as it is typically used for non-rigorous numerical computing. When you're 
> paying a factor 100+ overhead manipulating bits in software, saving a 
> factor 2-4 (optimistically) in memory overhead just isn't worth it.
> I'm skeptical about the use of a single bit for error bounds. Simply 
> summing equal-magnitude inexact numbers sequentially will blow up the error 
> bound exponentially. You can get around this problem with pairwise 
> summation, and fused operations help for various more complex operations, 
> but there are limits to the effectiveness of such solutions. Interval 
> blowup is not so much of a problem when you have thousands of spare bits of 
> precision at your disposal, but it's a problem when you want to compete 
> with 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit floats.
> Fusing specific operations to reduce the dependency problem is something 
> that perfectly well can be done on top of traditional interval arithmetic 
> (and indeed is done in practice, in particular for transcendental 
> functions); selling this as an advantage over traditional interval 
> arithmetic is perhaps a bit disingenuous. More charitably, Gustafson can be 
> given credit for recognizing the importance of fused operations and making 
> them a part of the unum package. The other claimed advantages of unums 
> (e.g. open endpoints) mostly strike me as gimmicks.
> John Gustafson makes a very good point that (paraphrasing) we should spend 
> computing power on computing more correctly instead of simply reducing the 
> unit cost for computing nonsense. How to achieve this goal in practice is 
> not obvious. I'm a fan of interval arithmetic and believe that it's a 
> severely underused tool (much like automatic differentiation). It's 
> especially nice for computer algebra, computational geometry, computational 
> number theory, and the like. It can almost certainly be used in scientific 
> computing to a much greater extent than today, e.g. for rigorously solving 
> ODEs and PDEs. Whether in the shape of unums or something more traditional, 
> it makes less sense for computer graphics, machine learning, or 
> representing any kind of "noisy" data (there's a whole separate field of 
> "fuzzy" interval arithmetic, which I know nothing about), so it's not 
> likely to replace floating-point arithmetic as the backbone of numerical 
> computing anytime soon.
> [1] http://www.texmacs.org/joris/ball/ball-abs.html
> [2] https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01079834/
> [3] https://github.com/fredrik-johansson/arbcmath
>> I'm curious about the Float128 type - this is based on Arb, and doesn't 
>> seem to match the IEEE 754 binary128 floating point standard (which has 112 
>> bits of fraction (plus "hidden" 1-bit), 15 bits of exponent + 1 bit sign).
>> Should these maybe be called something else, so as not to cause confusion 
>> with the IEEE standard binary floating point types?
> I agree that they probably should be called something else.
> Fredrik

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