Excellent.  I get a more than 100x speedup to.  Then the question is, how 
to make a good utility function, which reads numbers from a line of input 
with the types specified for speed.
Here is something that seems to work correctly:

function getline(src,a,b...)
    ss = split(readline(src))
    t = (a,b...)

9 2 2  1.3

i,j,k,x = getline(STDIN,Int,Int,Int,Float64)
@show i,j,k,x
#=  Result:
(i,j,k,x) = (9,2,2,1.3)

For non-speed-intensive uses, here is a method without the types:
getline(src=STDIN) = map(parse,split(readline(src)))  

Any suggestions/comments?

On Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 2:08:08 PM UTC-8, Mauro wrote:
> > function testparse() 
> >     parse("4.123456789") 
> > end 
> Try: 
> function testparse() 
>     parse(Float64, "4.123456789") 
> end 
> I get 100x speedup. 
> > @time testparse() 
> > @time for i=1:10000 
> >     testparse() 
> > end 
> > Running this on the same machine takes about 0.65 seconds.   I get 
> similar 
> > results if I call @time for a single call to 
> > testparse(), and any other variations I could think of.  This indicates 
> > julia's parse is about a factor of 80 slower than the equivalent 
> > in C++. 
> > 
> > Have I done something to make this slow, or is parse just very slow?   
> Why 
> > would it be so slow? 
> > 
> > -Steve 
> > 
> > 
> > On Friday, December 25, 2015 at 2:20:21 AM UTC-8, Adrian Cuthbertson 
> wrote: 
> >> 
> >> The essential part first: 
> >> 
> >> julia> a,b,c,d=map(parse,split("9 2 2 1.3\n")) 
> >> 4-element Array{Real,1}: 
> >>  9 
> >>  2 
> >>  2 
> >>  1.3 
> >> 
> >> but see what you actually get back... 
> >> julia> typeof(a) 
> >> Int64 
> >> julia> typeof(d) 
> >> Float64 
> >> 
> >> That's Julia's type inferencing at play. And functional abilities (map, 
> >> parse). See the manual on those. 
> >> 
> >> Now as originally needed... 
> >> 
> >> julia> io=IOBuffer("9 2 2  1.3\n") 
> >> IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=false, seekable=true, 
> >> append=false, size=10, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1) 
> >> 
> >> julia> n,nup,ndn,a=map(parse,split(readline(io))) 
> >> 4-element Array{Real,1}: 
> >>  9 
> >>  2 
> >>  2 
> >> 1.3 
> >> 
> >> julia> typeof(n) 
> >> Int64 
> >> 
> >> julia> typeof(a) 
> >> Float64 
> >> 
> >> It's probably better to do it properly in a function rather than like 
> that 
> >> as a one-liner - so you can catch exceptions, etc. 
> >> 
> >> -- Adrian. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 8:36 PM, Steven White <srwh...@gmail.com 
> >> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> >> 
> >>> Say I  have a data file in plain text, which starts with some lines 
> that 
> >>> describe matrix sizes, etc, for the data that follows.  For example, 
> the 
> >>> first line might be 
> >>> 9 2 2 1.3 
> >>> 
> >>> To read this file, in C I would use something like this call to scanf: 
> >>> scanf("%d%d%d%lf",&n,&nup,&ndn,&a); 
> >>> 
> >>> How do I do this in julia?  There doesn't seem to be a simple, obvious 
> >>> way.  Of course, you can read the line as a string, and parse it using 
> >>> regular expressions, but this is much messier than the call to scanf. 
> >>> 
> >>> Here is a solution: 
> >>> getline() = readdlm(IOBuffer(readline()),Any) 
> >>> 
> >>> n,nup,ndn,a = getline() 
> >>> 
> >>> This seems to work reliably.  (For example, it doesn't choke if there 
> >>> happen to be two spaces between some of the numbers.) 
> >>> 
> >>> It is also obscure and doesn't give any warnings if some of the types 
> >>> aren't what was expected. It also seems inefficient if you try to read 
> a 
> >>> lot of data this way. 
> >>> 
> >>> Questions:  Why isn't something like this (but better) built in to 
> >>> julia?  Is there some nice method that I've missed that does this 
> better? 
> >>> Can this getline() function be improved? 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >> 

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