How about we override{T}(::Type{T},args...) = ( mystuff; original; )

Can i do something like this?


On Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 6:58:49 PM UTC-8, Isaiah wrote:
> There is no AST-level distinction between a "constructor call" and a 
> "normal function call", see [1]. Look at the code in 'reflection.jl' to see 
> how to determine the applicable method for a given name (which may be a 
> constructor). If that doesn't help, it would be helpful to clarify the goal.
> For return statements, use `expand(a)` to convert the expression to goto 
> form, which should contain only explicit returns.
> [1]
> On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 6:52 PM, Julia Tylors < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I am planning to detect the constructor calls and return statement of a 
>> function 
>> a = quote begin
>>        x = Foo(12)
>>        y = 5 + 6
>>        f(x.val,y)
>>        x.val * y
>> end
>> a is an Expr, in this expression , I would like to detect the 
>>  constructor calls (Foo(12)(  and distinguish them from normal function 
>> calls(fx.val,y).
>> and i also want to identify the return statement, (x.val*y). How can i do 
>> it programmatically?
>> Thanks

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