As far as I understand: svecs are simple indexable containers; they are
used in bootstrap before arrays are defined.  Once arrays are defined
they are not really useful anymore and thus not intended as a datatype
for public consumption.  Still, they should get some documentation as
one can stumble upon them.  Github may be able to tell you more.

On Tue, 2016-01-05 at 06:08, Ismael Venegas Castelló <> 
>    - What exactly are these SimpleVectors?
>    - Why show them as svec?
>    - What's their purpose?
>    - How to use SimpleVector constructor manually, without using Core.svec?
> They are not documented at all. All I understand is that they are svec is
> not generic but "intrinsic" / "builtin", I think they are used earlier in
> bootstrap?
> Since they don't work with @which, an @whereis kinda macro would be nice to
> give a link to their source code in github, even if it's in C or whatever.
> IMHO we should really differentiate all this "anonymous" (that's what
> typeof tell you) functions and document them.
> Couldn't we just wrap them in Julia functions and treat them as the rest?
> julia> svec(args...) = Core.svec(args...)
> svec (generic function with 1 method)
> julia> svec(1)
> svec(1)

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