Looking into it further, it seems that interp_parse is only handling the 
interpolation, but the sprint(print you must call print_unescaped, which 
handles the standard \ sequences.
That's better (not duplicating the \ handling code, both in print_unescaped 
and interp_parse).

Good stuff, Eric!

On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 2:31:18 AM UTC-5, Eric Forgy wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Thanks for the enthusiasm :)
>> You might also want to handle the $(xxx) form of interpolation (which can 
>> get pretty tricky I imagine), as well as all of the \ escapes, such as \n, 
>> \x, \u, \U, etc.
> `interp_parse` was written by Stefan so you can imagine it should be 
> fairly complete, i.e. it does already handle $(xxx) and all escape 
> characters :)
> When it sees an unescaped $, it will call "parse" with greedy = false, 
> which continues until it finds a complete expression. This is how it 
> handles $(xxx).

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