>> > It would be interesting to learn why this is the case because I would
>> think it should be.
>> Have you read through the, I think linked, wikipedia article?  You only
>> need to read the Array section:
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance_and_contravariance_%28computer_science%29#Arrays
> Hi Mauro,
> Thanks for the link. That does explain it in the sense that I now know
> Vector is invariant in Julia, but that begs the question, can we specify a
> constructor to be covariant or contravariant in Julia?

I think this has been discussed (no references though), but it would
make Julia more complicated.  Scala can do it, but also has a reputation
of being complicated... So, I suspect that it will not be added.

> One of my longer terms dreams is to be able to do category theory in
> Julia similar to Haskell
> <https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Category_theory>. It seems this
> would be important to do categories properly.

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