Welcome to Julia!

You probably shouldn't necromance such an old thread, instead make a new
one and link to the old ones you researched.

Anyway, in the old thread, I linked to a blog post of mine on this topic
(I just saw that its formatting was all messed up: now fixed):

The post outlines the steps I did to make it work and how you can use
the iso_c_binding module which prevents name-mangling and provides
C-datatypes.  Maybe this helps.

On Mon, 2016-01-18 at 20:36, pokerhontas...@googlemail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> first of all, I am new to Julia (and Fortran). I tried to follow OP's
> example and call Fortran from Julia. First, I was using the Intel Fortran
> compiler and tried to compile the following .f90 file (saved as f90tojl.f90)
> module m
> contains
>    integer function five()
>       five = 5
>    end function five
> end module m
> as a shared library, by entering the following in the command line:
> ifort f90tojl.f90 -O2 -dll -fPIC -o  ifortlib.dll
> the compiler ignores -fPIC since that's an unknown option apparently but
> two files are created, one object file and the dll. I then try to call the
> function from Julia and that's where the trouble starts.
> The suggested command in this thread doesn't work because I guess the Intel
> compiler has different name mangling than the gfortran compiler. So I tried
> to find the name of my function, wikipedia suggests m_MP_five_ for ifort,
> so I tried
> julia: ccall( (:m_MP_five, "ifortlib.dll"), Int, () )
> LoadError: ccall: could not find function m_MP_five in library ifortlib.dll
> So my guess is that I am not using the correct name mangling. I couldn't find 
> anything online so I tried to view the function name via the object manager 
> in visual studio and an external dll viewer program.
> In visual studio I got a meaningless error the external viewer just didn't do 
> anything (although it worked for other dll files). When I type
> julia: Libdl.dlopen("ifortlib.dll")
> Ptr{Void} @0x000000002a9d8fa0
> fwiw. At this point I got so pissed that I decided to install the gfortran 
> compiler and just follow this thread step by step. So in the cmd window, I 
> type:
> gfortran -shared -O2 f90tojl.f90 -fPIC -o gfortlib.dll
> (I get a warning that -fPIC is ignored, as written previously in this 
> thread). I use the dll viewer to determine the name of the function, its 
> __m_MOD_five indeed. Then
> julia: ccall( (:__m_MOD_five, "gfortlib.dll"), Int, () )
> LoadError: error compiling anonymous: could not load library "gfortlib.dll"
> The specified module could not be found.
> And
> julia: Libdl.dlopen("gfortlib.dll")
> LoadError: could not load library "gfortlib.dll"
> The specified module could not be found.
> And I have no clue what to do now.

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